記事更新 – Update of this article
- 2019/02/14 16:40 凍結処分の結果 を追加 – Add “Result of ban by this bug”
- 2019/02/13 20:15 アカウント凍結の条件について を追加 – Add “About account ban”
- 2019/02/13 19:35 記事作成 – Article created.
配信日 – Hotfix date
- 2019/02/13(水/Wed) 19:25 JST
You can apply this hotfix by restarting your game app.
配信内容 – Hotfix detail
- 高頻度で繰り返しが達成できてしまう特定のミッションを、2019/02/14 09:00JSTより一時的に停止いたします。
- Now some missions that can be cleared repeatedly in a short term will be stopped temporarily from
2019/02/14 09:00JST.
不具合への対応予定について – About this bug
- 2019/02/14 09:00 JSTにミッションを一旦停止
- v3.0.6にて不具合を修正、修正版のミッションと補填のための追加ミッションを同時に再開始
I will do following steps to solve this problem.
- Missions will be stopped at 2019/02/14 09:00 JST temporarily.
- I will fix this bug and add fixed missions and additional missions as apology in v3.0.6.
If you use this bug to earn extreme amount of season points intentionally, your account may be banned temporarily or permanently because of EULA violation.
[Updated: 20:15] アカウント凍結の条件について – About Account ban
I can not describe detailed condition, but at least your account will not be banned if “you had re-achieved with unavoidable frequency in normal play”.
If it is done with these conditions “In a short time“ and “Repeated intentionally”, the account will be banned.
[Updated: 2/14 16:40] 凍結処分の結果 – Result of ban by this bug
問題が生じていると気がついたら、速やかにその機能の利用をやめて、その不具合内容をご報告ください。 (バグレポートか、サポートサイトをご利用ください。)
I banned 10+ accounts by using this bug and violation of EULA.
If you are banned by this problem, please contact me.
I will explain about EULA, roll back your account and unban your account.
If you has not been banned yet, you can receive all season points from these mission.
I will report you about this problem on v3.0.6 release.
And please note that “Even though developers are obliged to fix bugs, you are NOT allowed to use bugs.”.
Please confirm
what you agreed before you started the game.
When you found any bug or invalid tools, please report it as soon as possible and do NOT use it.(Please use bug-report or user support form.)
Thank you for your patience.