適用日 – Release Data
2019/2/28(木/Thu) 9:50 JST
- スマートフォン版は、各アプリストアからダウンロードして下さい。Web版は、ページをリロードして更新を反映させてください。
- スマートフォン版の配信は、端末・環境によって反映に時間がかかる場合がございます。配信が確認できない場合は、少し時間をおいてから改めてお試しください。
- Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.
- If you can not find update on the store, please wait a while.
アイテムショップUIの改善 – Improved Item Shop UI

From v3.0.7, Item Shop UI has been improved!
You can see hou much you already have and choose how much you want to buy.
アセットデータの差分ダウンロード対応 – Incremental asset download

“Incremental asset download” is now available!
You will download Incremental data from next update. It will decrease network traffic.
And now you can see how much your client download from the server on starting the game.
ゲームオーバー時の蘇生後の石化について – “Die again by petrify after reviving” problem
Since v3.0.6, there was the bug that characters die again by petrify after reviving in a few case.
This bug has been fixed in v3.0.7.
And I will refund revive item or goldshards if you encountered this problem since v3.0.6.
Please send bug-report from the character encountered the problem. I will confirm the problem and refund.
If you encounter unknown problems, please check update plan and send bug-report or contact me.
Thank you for your patience.