[2021/01/27 17:10 Updated] TTL-DPL-001エラーで、ゲームがスタートできない
- タイトル画面右上部をタッチし、ダイアログを表示してください。
- その後ダイアログを閉じると、サーバへの再接続を試行いたします。
- このログイン試行の手順を、「§」が白色表記になるまで、何度かお試しください。
Currently, we are confirming cases where login to the game server fails due to the load caused by the increase in the number of connections.
Please try the following steps:
- Touch the upper right corner of the title screen to display the dialog.
- After that, when you close the dialog, it will try to reconnect to the server.
- Please try this login attempt several times until “§” is displayed in white.
Please read here to know in more detail.
Updated 2021/01/27 17:10
- ゲームサーバにログインできない場合に、初回ログイン時からでもオフラインモードでの起動を可能にします。
- オフラインモードでは、オンラインデータでのプレイ・ランキング登録・アプリ内課金などが利用できない点にご注意ください。
I are currently investigating the cause, but I will release v1.0.3 soon and take the following measures.
- If you cannot log in to the game server, you can start it in offline mode even from the first login.
Please note: online data play, ranking registration, in-app purchase, etc. cannot be used in offline mode.
The Steam/Android version will be available as early as tonight Japan time, and the iOS version will be available v1.0.3 between tomorrow and mid-29th.
I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
Updated 2021/01/27 22:47
【要約】 明日朝6時までにはサーバが拡張され、現在のTTL-DPL-001によってログインできない問題が解消する見込みです。
また、v1.0.3は予期せぬアプリ内課金購入失敗を防ぐための修正も含まれているため、Android v1.0.3は本日中にリリースを行い、明日~29日までにiOS v1.0.3もリリースする予定は変わりません。
I have confirmed the cause and the latest response plan, so I would like to inform you.
From the conclusion, B100X used the cloud service of the game server using a plan with a maximum number of connection users of 10,000, but in reality
it turned out that
the maximum number of connection users was set to 1,000.
For this reason, after reaching the upper limit, the situation where you cannot log in has continued until now. (=TTL-DPL-001)
Currently, I am requesting the cloud service side to take measures to raise the maximum number of connection users to 15,000, and this response is scheduled to be completed by 6:00 am tomorrow JST.
[Summary] The server will be improved by 6:00 JST, and the current TTL-DPL-001 error is expected to be solved.
Android v1.0.3 will be released today(JST) and iOS v1.0.3 will be released by 28-29th, as v1.0.3 also includes fixes to prevent unexpected in-app purchase failures.
I will tell you the details and measures to prevent recurrence in the future from tomorrow onwards.
We are checking who can and cannot purchase, and it seems that there is a problem depending on the environment or on the Steam side.
We are currently working on this issue, so please wait for a while.
We are currently investigating the cause.
As soon as the cause can be confirmed, we will release the version to fix it.
(Each achievement will be retroactively achieved)
ゲーム起動時、Now Loadingのまま進まなくなる
Now Loading開始から数分待っても進行しない場合は、一旦ゲームの再起動を行ってください。
It may have ended with any error during the startup process.
If it doesn’t progress after waiting a few minutes from the start of Now Loading, please restart the game.
In a future update, we plan to fix it so that it will retry or end with an error when the startup process fails.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please wait for a while until the problem has been solved.