2022.05.11 | Released. |
- When “Entering Hall of fame” is performed, “Hall of Fame” is now indicated in the cause of death information.
- [WebGL] “Whisper” function was closed.
- Because it was confirmed that it does not work properly in the WebGL version.
- I plan to adjust how to provide the “whisper” function in a future update.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash/freeze in some cases.
- Now an error message will be shown and the game can not be started when in-app purchase information could not be successfully retrieved from the game server.
- Additional fixes have been made to an issue where +n% notations were not displayed for some contracts.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of some skills and abilities could temporarily cause the number of barriers possessed to be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the activation conditions for “Assimilate with air” did not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where multiple same items would appear in the dried leaf store.
- Applied volunteer translation text.