Buriedbornes2 [1/11/2024 23:45 Updated] Upcoming Buriedbornes2 updates Thank you for playing Buriedbornes2. We would like to apologize again for the inconvenience and trouble caused by so... 2024.01.11 Buriedbornes2nussygame
nussygame Reviewing Nussygame 2023 Reviewing Nussygame 2022 The year 2023 was a year of significant movement toward the release of Buriedbornes2. Bu... 2023.12.20 B100XBuriedbornesBuriedbornes2Ending Daysnussygame
Buriedbornes v3.9.18 now available! When… 2023/12/07(Thu) 09:30 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.If ... 2023.12.07 Buriedbornesnussygame
Buriedbornes2 Started accepting GooglePlay pre-registration & AppStore pre-order! We have started accepting pre-registrations and pre-orders on GooglePlay and AppStore! Buriedbornes 2 ... 2023.12.07 Buriedbornes2nussygame
Buriedbornes2 Notice of postponement of release date (→10 Jan) Thank you for always playing Nussygame games. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided to postpone the sched... 2023.12.04 Buriedbornes2nussygame
nussygame Developer’s Letter December 2023 Back number #Developer’s Letter Development status in November 2023 Buriedbornes2 Closed Beta Test Stage2 ... 2023.11.30 B100XBuriedbornesBuriedbornes2Ending Daysnussygame
Buriedbornes v3.9.18 now available for the Prior Release! What is “Prior Release”? This is a test version that allows you to play the latest version, which will be delive... 2023.11.30 Buriedbornesnussygame
B100X v2.1.4 has been released. When… 2023/11/28(Tue) 14:00 JST Open B100X property -> Local file -> Press “Verify Integrity of Game Fi... 2023.11.28 B100Xnussygame
nussygame Developer’s Letter November 2023 Back number #Developer’s Letter Development status in October 2023 Buriedbornes2 Closed Beta Test Stage1 ... 2023.11.01 B100XBuriedbornesBuriedbornes2Ending Daysnussygame
Ending Days v1.4.8 now available in Android only! When... 2023/10/30(Mon) 15:40 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page... 2023.10.30 Ending Daysnussygame