Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

Address4-1-809 Bessho Nakamachi, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka 569-1113, Japan
Phone number072-647-5211
Payment MethodPaypal Web Payment Standard
Sales PriceIn-game, listed in the quantity selection drop-down list on the purchase page
Other CostsInternet connection fees, communication fees, etc. required to view each page, purchase items, play the game, etc. are the responsibility of the customer, so please inquire with your Internet provider, etc.
Time of deliveryAfter the Paypal payment is completed, you will be able to receive the product as soon as you receive an email from Paypal confirming the completion of the payment.
Return PolicyDue to the nature of our products, we do not accept returns.
Please understand this in advance.
Contact informationSee above location item.
Operating environmentOS: Windows7, Windows8, Windows10, OSX Yosemite
Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari
* This site may not work in environments other than the recommended ones.
RemarksThis description is for PC and Web version purchases.
For Android and iOS versions, please refer to the purchase page of each platform.
