B100Xのデザイン その4 「バトルや冒険のギミック」 – Game design about B100X vol.4 “Gimmicks in Battle and adventure ”
Thank you for playing Nussygame games.
In this time, I will explain about Shops in B100X.
掘り出し物 – Bargain

You can purchase equipments or material items by Bargain.
You can play dungeons multiple times to reset lineup.
Or you can directly reset by spending the extra experience.
ボーナスハートの購入 – Purchase Bonus Heart

If you lose a battle with no heart, you will lose all your equipments.
If you are not familiar with adventure, you can purchase Bonus Heart by in-app item purchase.
Of course, you can play without purchasing it.
サポータープラン – Supporter Plan

- 最大でプレイデータを10個まで作成可能になります。(通常3つまで)
- 各プレイデータで、アイテムを最大1000個まで所持できるようになります。(通常は100個まで)
- プレイ中の動画広告表示がなくなります。(動画は、プレイ中に冒険から帰還するときにたまに表示されます)
- ホリィちゃんのきせかえ機能が利用できるようになります。(冒険に直接影響はありません)
All the basic contents of B100X can be played for free.
And I have decided to prepare “Supporter Plan” for the B100X so that you can play more comfortably.
By purchasing the Supporter Plan, you can use the following functions.
- You can create up to 10 play data. (Normally up to 3)
- Your each play data can has up to 1000 items. (Normally up to 100)
- Video ads wiil not be shown. (Normally video ads will be shown after adventure sometimes.)
- You can dress up Holly.
Of course, you can play all the content without purchasing the Supporter Plan, and you can participate in the latest season contents.
After the release, if you think “I would like to support Nussygame and B100X”, please consider it.
さいごに… Thank you for your reading!
Nussygame と B100X を、よろしくお願いいたします。
So far, I have explained the B100X game system 5 times.
Like the B100 series of the past, the concept is that you can play “when you like”, “at your own pace”, “without complicated operation”, and at the same time, it includes “depth” and “difficulty”.
I hope that B100X can be enjoyed by various people on mobile and PC, and I hope that B100X will be a title that will be loved as long as the Buriedbornes series.
B100X will start closed or open beta test from summer to autumn 2020 and will be released within 2020.
Thank you!