[Updated 2021.02.17 14:23 JST]Android/iOSのサポータープランがSteam版にも適用されてしまう不具合について – About the problem Android/iOS supporter plans are being applied to the Steam version




Thank you for playing Nussygame games.

I am currently receiving reports of the following problems.


[2021.02.17 14:23 JST] 個別対応完了のお知らせ – Notice of completion of individual data fix





A total of 148 accounts with incorrectly applied Supporter Plans have all been manually fixed.

As a result, the duration of the Supporter Plan may change after the game is restarted “on Steam”. Please be aware of this beforehand. (This change will only apply to those who have purchased a Supporter Plan on Android/iOS, transferred data with a backup code, and are playing on Steam.)

If you see any unintended changes to the time period, please contact us directly from here.

To prevent recurrence of the problem, v1.0.7 has been released for the Steam version.

発生中の問題 – Known problem

  • Android/iOSでプレイしているアカウントをSteam版に連携した場合、Android/iOSで購入されたサポータープランがSteam版にも意図せず適用されてしまう不具合。
  • If you connect your Android/iOS game account to the Steam version, the supporter plan purchased on Android/iOS will be unintentionally applied to the Steam version.

対応予定 – Solution plan




Starting today, 17 Feb, I will be checking all Supporter Plan purchases and manually updating the Steam Supporter Plan status for each account that has been affected by the issue. (As of 17 Feb 2021, 9:00 a.m. JST, 148 accounts covered)

I am planning to release v1.0.7 to fix this issue and several others as soon as this week.

I expect that the same problem will occur until the release of v1.0.7, so I will manually update the Steam Supporter Plan status as needed until then.


今後とも、Nussygame と B100X をよろしくお願いいたします。

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this bug.

Thank you for your continued support of Nussygame and B100X.
