適用日 – Release Data
2019/05/13(月/Mon) 9:40 JST
- スマートフォン版は、各アプリストアからダウンロードして下さい。Web版は、ページをリロードして更新を反映させてください。
- スマートフォン版の配信は、端末・環境によって反映に時間がかかる場合がございます。配信が確認できない場合は、少し時間をおいてから改めてお試しください。
- Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.
- If you can not find update on the store, please wait a while.
登録ユーザ数10000人突破キャンペーン – thanks for 10000+ users! Special missions campaign
Ending Daysがリリースされて僅か2日で、登録ユーザ数が10000人を突破しました!
期限: ~2019/5/27 15:00 JST
In just two days Ending Days has been released, the number of registered users has exceeded 10000!
In commemoration of this, I hold special mission that you can earn up to 100 chrono shards are available!
Please play the game at this opportunity.
Mission limit: ~2019/5/27 15:00 JST
The number of registered users has already surpassed 25,000 today, and it is planned to hold a campaign for 100,000 registered users in the near future.
第1回パフォーマンス改善と、今後の予定 – 1st Performance improvement and the plan
In v1.0.0-1, I have reported performance problems such as “The game is heavy” and “The device gets hot” in some environments.
The performance improvement has been implemented in v1.0.2.
In addition, I will work to improve performance in stages in near future updates.
v1.0.3におけるランキングリセット予定とスタン・隔絶の調整について – Ranking will be reset in v1.0.3 and Stun/Isolation will be adjusted
- 一部の敵モンスターに、スタンの完全あるいは部分耐性が付与されます。(同様に、プレイヤー側もスタン耐性が獲得可能になります)
- 『隔絶』を獲得する類の一部のスキル・スキルMODの発動確率が設定されます。
- ランキングをリセット致します。
In v1.0.0-1, it was possible to make it possible to destroy many enemies in a short number of days by using the bug in specific abilities.
This issue has been fixed in v1.0.2, however, I plan to adjust the following in v1.0.3.
- Some enemy monsters will be given full or partial stun immunity. (Similarly, players will also be able to gain stun resistance)
- The activation probability of some skills / skills mods that acquire “Isolation” will be set.
- Ranking will be reset.
Originally, large balance adjustment is planned to be carried out for each major update, but in this case exceptionally, adjustment will be performed at minor update.
If a particular ability is relatively strong and “fun to use” or “make unique gameplay”, the adjustment will be suspended until the next major update. This is because it can not always be a good thing for many players to adjust quickly.
In this case, it is because it is a factor that “force/induce the use of a specific build”, “leaving away from a variety of gameplay”, and “ignoring the process of gameplay and making it monotonous”.
This conforms to the policy implemented by Buriedbornes, and I will continue to make adjustments based on this standard.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I would appreciate your understanding.
If you encounter unknown problems, please check update plan and send bug-report or contact me.
Thank you for your patience.