v3.8.6 now available!

Release Data

[JST] 2022/07/21(Thu) 09:15

  • Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.
  • If you can not find update on the store, please wait a while.

Update history

About the server migration

Since v3.8.6, Buriedbornes will completely migrate to the new server.

We have taken every precaution to ensure the migration, but in the unlikely event that you have problems starting the game or retrieving your purchase information, please contact us here.

About the Web version purchase offer

Since this version, we will no longer sell Gold Shards on the web version (mogera.jp).

We are planning to offer a Steam version for the PC version, so please wait for that.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your patience.
