What is the season pass?

Season pass is new purchase item to enjoy season event.
You can purchase season pass to add new season mission (include many repeatable missions) to earn more and more season event points.
You can earn 20000 event points by completing all missions except repeatable missions during one season event, but you can earn more event points by additional missions. (This means you can purchase more items, or exchange them into dried leaves after ending season events.)
Price: 2000 Gold shards/1 season
What can I get by it?

By season pass, you can get additional missions only.
Each season pass will include each variable missions.
Please confirm in each season event detail page.
- Season event “Crying voice”
2019/7/31 15:00~2019/8/28 15:00 JST - Season event “Gentle wind”
2019/2/13 15:00~2019/4/3 15:00 JST
About the future of season pass

From v3.0.0, season pass is on test sales.
There were several problems in past season events.
- Players need to conquer high difficult dungeons to earn enough event points. It is too difficult for beginners.
- Way to earn event point was monotonous.
- As content was added for free, developer(it’s me) could not pay enough development cost to season events.
I will update season pass to add new contents for purchased users.
Thank you for your support!