
v3.8.5 now available!

Release Data 2022/06/03(Fri) 10:15 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your p...

[Patch note] v3.8.5

History 2022.06.03Released.2022.06.02Revealed this patch note. Update Contents Improvements The whisper fun...
Ending Days

Important news about future updates

Thank you for playing Nussygame games. Today I willsend you an important announcement regarding upcoming updates...
Ending Days

v1.4.2 now available!

Release Data 2022/05/24(Tue) 08:00 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your p...
Ending Days

[Patch note] v1.4.2

Update History 22.05.24Released.22.05.23Revealed this patch note. Update Contents Fixes Fixed a problem in ...

v3.8.4 now available!

Release Data 2022/05/16(Mon) 09:50 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your p...

[Patch note] v3.8.4

Hisotry 2022.05.16-17Scheduled to release.2022.05.15Revealed this patch note.

[Patch note] v1.4.4

History 2022.5.12Released.2022.5.11Update plan has been revealed.

v1.4.4 has been released.

Release date 2022/05/12(Thu) 08:15 JST Open B100X property -> Local file -> Press “Verify Integrity of ...

v3.8.3 now available!

Release Data 2022/05/11(Wed) 15:45 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your p...