Ending Days v1.4.6 now available! When… 2022/09/27(Tue) 09:10 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.If ... 2022.09.28 Ending Daysnussygame
Buriedbornes v3.8.10 now available! When... 2022/09/26(Mon) 14:20 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.I... 2022.09.26 Buriedbornesnussygame
Ending Days [Patch note] v1.4.6 When... 2022.09.28Released.2022.09.23Revealed this patch note. What... Improvements On October 5th,we will ... 2022.09.23 Ending Days
B100X [Patch note] v1.5.7 When... 2022.09.29Released.2022.09.23Revealed this patch note. What... Improvements On October 5th,we will ... 2022.09.23 B100X
Buriedbornes [Patch note] v3.8.10 When... 2022.09.26Released.2022.09.23Revealed this patch note. What... Improvements On October 5th, we will... 2022.09.23 Buriedbornes
Buriedbornes Closing “Restore Users from Old Server” function Reference: v3.8.1 now available! The "Restore Users from Old Server" function, provided since v3.8.1, will be ... 2022.09.20 Buriedbornes
Buriedbornes v3.8.9 now available! When… 2022/09/19(Mon) 08:30 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.If ... 2022.09.19 Buriedbornesnussygame
Buriedbornes [Patch note] v3.8.9 When... 2022.09.19Released.2022.09.19Revealed this patch note. What... Fixes Fixed a bug that could cause f... 2022.09.19 Buriedbornes
Buriedbornes v3.8.8 hotfix now available When… 2022/09/07(Wed) 15:45 * You can apply this hotfix by restarting your game app. If the problem per... 2022.09.07 Buriedbornesnussygame
ツギハギスペースシップ Patchwork Spaceship is no longer available. v1.0.5 has been released and Scheduled end of distribution Patchwork Spaceship has ceased distribution today. ... 2022.08.31 nussygameツギハギスペースシップ