Buriedbornes Partial Functional Suspension from v3.8.0 Reference: Restrictions on Restoring older saved data Thank you for playing Buriedbornes. With the upcoming v3... 2022.04.13 Buriedbornesnussygame
Buriedbornes2 Buriedbornes2 Release Date Postponed Thank you for playing Nussygame’s games. Due to unavoidable reasons, I have decided to postpone the release of this gam... 2022.03.16 Buriedbornes2
B100X Season “VAULT” has been started! Season “VAULT” span 2022/03/09 15:00:00 ~ 2022/06/08 15:00:00 After the time, the season mode can be selected when... 2022.03.09 B100X
Buriedbornes2 New System Introduction Part 3 Thank you for playing Nussygame games. I would like to introduce you to some of the new systems of Buriedbornes2, sche... 2022.02.17 Buriedbornes2
Buriedbornes2 New System Introduction Part 2 Thank you for playing Nussygame games. I would like to introduce you to some of the new systems of Buriedbornes2, sche... 2021.12.24 Buriedbornes2
Buriedbornes2 New System Introduction Thank you for playing Nussygame games. I would like to introduce you to some of the new systems of Buriedbornes2, sche... 2021.12.13 Buriedbornes2
Ending Days v1.4.1 now available! Release Data 2021/09/06(Mon) 08:30 Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page. ... 2021.11.06 Ending Days
ツギハギスペースシップ Patchwork spaceship v1.0.4 now available! いつもNussygameのゲームをプレイしていただき、ありがとうございます。 Release Data 2021/11/17(Wed) 13:25 Updated In-App Purchase has been closed. T... 2021.09.17 ツギハギスペースシップ
Ending Days v1.4.0 now available! Release Data 2021/08/25(Wed) 08:30 スマートフォン版は、各アプリストアからダウンロードして下さい。Web版は、ページをリロードして更新を反映させてください。 スマートフォン版の配信は、端末・環... 2021.08.25 Ending Days
nussygame No longer distribute some of older titles on Google Play. Thank you for playing Nussygame games. Get your apps ready for the 64-bit requirement In accordance with the requ... 2021.07.06 B10 - Memories Never Lasts -DeckDeDungeon2DeckDeFantasynussygame