[Patch note] v1.5.5

Update History

2022.07.14Revealed this patch note.

Update Contents

New features

  • Add “Disable 2 finger touch action” setting to the settings screen.
    • Since v1.5.4, mobile devices can close the screen by 2-finger touch.
      Since this operation is prone to malfunction depending on how the device is held, it can be toggled on and off in the settings.


  • If the application is closed during a battle, it will not consume hearts if the battle result has not yet been done in the internal processes.
  • If language data, master data, etc. cannot be downloaded, the cache will be cleared automatically on the next game launches.
  • Captured monsters can now be temporarily protected during and at the end of an adventure.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Holly’s body touch from working.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause unmixed items to be lost by performing certain steps.
  • Fix some item icons.
  • Fix some texts.
