The year 2021 was a year for Nussygame to move beyond its predicament to the next stage.
- B100Xリリース!
- Buriedbornes 5周年
- 過去最高益を更新
- 今後の課題
- 2022年に向けて/2021年 決算
- …最近のohNussy
B100Xリリース! – B100X has been Released!

On January 27th, my new title “B100X” was released.
This title is a legitimate sequel to the past titles “B100” and “B100S,” and was created as a “hack-and-slash game that allows players to enjoy deep build construction without the need for combat operations”.
Although there were many troubles such as server connection problems after the release, it became the best launch ever with the first year’s revenue far exceeding that of Buriedbornes.
Buriedbornes 5周年 – 5th Anniversary of Buriedbornes

In August 2021, Buriedbornes celebrated its 5th anniversary.
I am truly honored that many people still love and play our game after 5 years.
I will continue to develop the Buriedbornes series for the next 5,10 and more years.
The sequel, Buriedbornes 2, is scheduled for release in 2022.
I will be releasing more information about Buriedbornes 2 in the near future, so please check it out.
過去最高益を更新 – the highest past profits

In 2021, with the addition of B100X sales, I achieved my highest profit since the beginning of Nussygame.
B100X has grown to the same scale of users and revenue as Buriedbornes, and I believe it is a title that will continue to be Nussygame’s flagship title for a long time, and I plan to update it vigorously in 2022 and beyond.
Since Buriedbornes, I have not been able to offer a title of the same or larger scale as Buriedbornes, and there was a period of uncertainty.
With the success of B100X, I am now in a position to continue new development and title management in a stable and long-term manner.
I have also been able to show that I am not just a one-hit wonder that will end with Buriedbornes, but that I can also succeed with titles other than Buriedbornes.
This year, I think I can finally say with pride that “I can make a living as an independent developer”.
今後の課題 – Future issues
On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that I am completely free of problems for the future.
Beyond Buriedbornes2, there are still many more game titles that I would like to offer from Nussygame. (The sequel to the DeckDeDungeon series is one of them.)
I am currently updating 2 main titles at the same time, but if I want to add more in the future, there’s just not enough time.
To address this issue, I am currently reviewing my system for development and update of each title to enable stable release with less cost.
By refactoring existing titles, automating testing, and revamping the internal architecture, I am aiming for a solid release with less rework.
Although this may not seem like much of a change, I would like to maximize my development time by reducing the frequency of hotfixes and bug fixes after major updates, and if possible, I would like to be able to run 3 or 4 titles in parallel.
Another issue is that Nussygame titles as a whole have a weak storyline.
I am planning to spend more cost than ever to expand the content, including illustrators, scenario writers, and 3D designers, so that people can become more attached to the world and characters.
I am also considering to incorporate Nussygame, as the scale of our game offerings is going beyond the size of the individual.
This is still up in the air, but I will let you know as soon as it’s finalized. (Of course, you can rest assured that I will still be responsible for the design, production, and management of all games, both past and future.)
2022年に向けて/2021年 決算 – Towards 2022/2021 Results
It’s been 7 years since I started offering games as Nussygame.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but more importantly, I’ve had a lot of success.
This is all thanks to the people who find my work “fun”.
There is no end to what I want to do and what I need to do.
I will continue to do my best to provide what I believe to be ”fun“.
Thank you for your continued support.
…最近のohNussy – …Recent ohNussy
It’s not important.
If you have time, please read it.

At the end of 2020, I said that a cat came to our family, and in the spring of 2021, our family grew even more.
In the foreground is Anna, since 2020 winter.
In the back is new friend, Dan.
They were both siblings of the rescued cats.
They live together happily every day and bring smiles and happiness to everyone in my family.

I started cooking when my wife was hospitalized in this autumn.
Just like developing a game, the steps are complicated and there are many things to remember, and I keep making mistakes, but I am enjoying it. 🙂