適用日 – Release Data
[JST] 2022/03/02(水/Wed) 09:00
- スマートフォン版は、各アプリストアからダウンロードして下さい。Web版は、ページをリロードして更新を反映させてください。
- スマートフォン版の配信は、端末・環境によって反映に時間がかかる場合がございます。配信が確認できない場合は、少し時間をおいてから改めてお試しください。
- ※Steam版へは、「B100X プロパティ」→「ローカルファイル」→「ゲームファイルの整合性を確認」を行っていただく事でアップデートを反映していただく事が可能です。
- Please download from AppStore or GooglePlay. In web, please reload your page.
- If you can not find update on the store, please wait a while.
- From this version, Supported OS is Android 9.0 or later. In Android 8 or earlier environment, you will not be able to play, so please update your OS.
- Open B100X property -> Local file -> Press “Verify Integrity of Game Files” to apply the update.
難易度システムの導入 – New “Difficulty” systm

- 1000Fクリア後に上位難易度が解禁されます。
- 一部のイベントシーンの解禁条件が調整されます。
- これに伴い、一部の実績が追加/削除されます。
- 実績の追加/削除に伴い、アイテム/倉庫の上限アップの条件を緩和・調整いたします。
- 3000/10000Fクリアの
- 最高難度ダンジョン「???」の出現条件が変更され、難易度も他ダンジョンの最高難度を上回る難易度に調整されます。
With the B100X so far, there was a problem that it was hard to challenge because it took too much time to play the game after 1000F.
To solve this, I will introduce “Difficulty System” from v1.4.0.
- After clearing 1000F, the higher difficulty level will be lifted.
- The unlocking conditions for some event scenes have been adjusted.
- Along with this, some achievements will be added / deleted.
- With the addition / deletion of achievements, I will adjust the conditions for increasing the upper limit of items / warehouses.
- Achievements for each store that cleared 3000/10000F can be achieved in the future at “Treasure Hiding”.
- The appearance conditions for the highest difficulty dungeon “???” have been changed, and the difficulty level has been adjusted to exceed the highest difficulty level of other dungeons.
使徒の記録 – Memory of Apostles

In order to let you know more about the apostles in the heavens including Holly, the story “Memory of Apostles” depicting the past Holly, which is lifted by clearing the sub-dungeon other than the Eternal Cave, is all 21 The story will be added.
In the future, I plan to add “Memory of Apostles” for some major update as in the season scenario.
クラフトメニュー – Craft menu

So far, “Create God’s articles” menu has been provided, in which the lineup is randomly updated on a regular basis.
In addition to this, from v1.4.0, a “craft menu” will be added that can be exchanged for specific items at any time by consuming the item that is the specified material.
Please note: The material items required for each craft menu will differ, but all unmixed items will be required.
「結晶くず」 – Crystal scraps

The rewards for the main mission will be partially changed, and you will be able to obtain a material item called “Crystal scraps”.
“Crystal scraps” is a currency that can be exchanged for material items in the craft menu.
It can be exchanged not only for conventional consumable materials, but also for material items that can be used over and over again instead of consuming a large amount of junk.
In addition, “Crystal scraps” can only be obtained from the main mission reward, so the total amount of “Crystal scraps” that can be obtained in each play data is always fixed and limited.
Please think carefully about which item to exchange for.
「求道の誓い」 – “Oath of Humanity”

If you clear 1000F in any of the dungeons, you will be able to obtain an item called “Oath of Humanity” from the reward.
This item can be exchanged for any “Road of Humanity” in the craft menu.
As of v1.4.0, there are 10 types of “Road of Humanity”, all of which have special item abilities that cannot be obtained anywhere else.
As with “Crystal Scrap”, the number of “Oath of
” that can be obtained is limited for each play data. (As of v1.4.0, only one can be obtained for each play data)
In future updates, we plan to add more types of “Road of Humanity” that can be exchanged and the total number of “Oath of Humanity” that can be obtained for each play data.
Please choose the “Road of Humanity” that suits your play style according to your build construction.
シーズン要素のオンライン解禁について – About timing when season contents is opened
Starting with v1.4.0, the method of unlocking new content added each season will change.
Previously, new content was not available in online or offline mode immediately after the start of the season.
Starting with v1.4.0, the new content added will be immediately available in both online and offline modes right after the start of the season.
Season mode is treated as “mode for participating in the season ranking”.
* Since the warehouse and progression are separated from the offline / online mode in the season mode, an environment where all players can always compete from the same starting line will be provided in the future.
新シーズン開幕、そして様々な新要素 – Next Season and new contents

シーズン期間 – Season span
[JST] 2022/03/09(水/Wed) 09:00 ~ 2022/06/08(水/Wed) 09:00
- 新ジョブ
- 新スキル
- 新ダンジョン
- 新アイテム
- 新モンスター
- New job
- New skill
- New dungeon
- New items
- New monsters
Stay tuned!
If you want to know about the Season, please read this!
その他にも、改善色々… – And more…
詳しくは、 更新履歴を御覧ください。
Please read Update history to find other improvements and fix!
If you encounter any bug or problems, please feel free to contact me.
Nussygame と B100X を、これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your continued support of the Nussygame and B100X.