[Patch note] v2.0.5


2023.05.09Revealed this patch note.
Prior Release v2.0.5.1 distribution.


New features

  • [Android/iOS version] Asset data is now included in the app itself.
    • Due to this change, the download size from each app has increased by approximately 400 MB or less.
    • This is due to the fact that data that was originally downloaded after the game was launched is now included in the app in advance. The total download size will be the same as before.
    • Thereafter, differential updates will be made in each app store, and the download size is expected to be smaller than this time.
    • Game data (master data such as items, translation files, etc.) will continue to be downloaded from the server when the version is launched for the first time. Therefore, downloading will continue to occur at startup in online mode.
    • For more information, please see this article.


  • Apply volunteer translation texts.


  • The use of “Old bone fragment” on level 1000 items has been adjusted so that the level will always be less than 1000, eliminating the case where the level does not drop.


  • The “Initialize finishing…” Fixed a bug that sometimes the game could not be started due to an error message without progressing from the “Initialize finishing…” screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the difficulty level selection drop-down screen would be obscured on some devices.
  • In the item management screen that the item detail information display will be closed after using some functions.
  • Fixed a bug that the current achievement value sometimes overflows and becomes negative.
  • Improved application stability.
